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Samsung Modus HM6450 Review

Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Introduction and Design:

In our experience with the Samsung Modus 3500, a convertible style Bluetooth headset, we weren’t all too thrilled about its less than engaging performance in the calling quality department – which is of course one crucial area for any headset. However, the Samsung Modus HM6450 is seemingly a step up as it boasts all the same features as the Modus 3500, but seems to pack it all in a new stylish body. Combining it with an Android powered smartphone, you basically uncover some additional functionality that’s not usually akin to a headset that’s priced between $60 to $100. Included with the packaging are 3 ear gels, 2 ear hooks, stereo headphones, wall charger, user manual, and a 3.5mm stereo headset adapter.

The packaging of the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The packaging of the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The packaging of the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The packaging of the Samsung Modus HM6450

Although it sports a conventional design, its implementation of a shiny blue patterned exterior combined with some lovely adorning chrome accents enables this mostly plastic headset to be one head turner. Lightweight due to its choice of materials, we’re still nonetheless satisfied with its overall solid build quality. 

Sure you’ve got three different ear gels to choose from, but we’re not particularly too fond of their extremely rubbery feel – which is non-irritating to the ear, but doesn’t provide a snug fit. That’s where theear hook comes to mind as it provides a substantially better fit without feeling too restrictive over a period of time. 

The ear hook doesn't feel too restrictive over a period of time - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The ear hook doesn't feel too restrictive over a period of time - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The ear hook doesn't feel too restrictive over a period of time - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The ear hook doesn't feel too restrictive over a period of time

If you happen to be button hungry, you’ll surely appreciate the wealth of buttons clinging to the various sides of the Modus HM6450. On one side you’ve got a reasonably sized volume rocker and a button that activates the headset’s built-in voice command service, while on the other, we basically find an easy to move power switch. Narrow in size, but raised slightly, we find the multi-function talk button place prominently on its front side. Meanwhile, you’ve got one microphone close by, while the other is at its usual spot near the end of the headset.

Multi-function talk buttonand LCD display on the front - Buttons on the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Volume rocker and voice command button - Buttons on the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Power switch - Buttons on the Samsung Modus HM6450 - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Multi-function talk button
and LCD display on the front
Volume rocker and 
voice command button
Power switch
Buttons on the Samsung Modus HM6450
Rarely used by headsets in general, we find a tiny LCD display on the front that displays the headset’s battery level and connection status – which is nice, especially when you have quick access to it. And finally, the microUSB port in the rear is hidden beneath a plastic flap, but instead of simply charging the device, it also allows you to connect the included headphones to turn it into a stereo Bluetooth headset.

The microUSB port in the rear is hidden beneath a plastic flap - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The microUSB port in the rear is hidden beneath a plastic flap - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The included headphones - The microUSB port in the rear is hidden beneath a plastic flap - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
The included headphones
The microUSB port in the rear is hidden beneath a plastic flap

Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Samsung Modus HM6450 Review

Upon powering it on, we’re ecstatic to be greeted with voice instructions on how to pair it up – and in our case, we managed to connect it both to a Samsung Transform and an Apple iPhone 4. Astonishingly, there’s a ton of useful features with the Modus HM6450 that enable it to become the perfect companion – such as built-in voice commands, voice prompts, and support for Android’s Samsung Bluetooth FreeSync app. Essentially, the app is pretty intuitive and useful since it provides text to voice functionality – meaning, it’ll automatically read incoming emails and text messages to you. Although we’re subjected to a robotic voice when it announces messages, for the most part, it’s pretty accurate with its reading. Pressing the dedicated voice command button on the headset, you can quickly get access to common information like its battery level, connectivity status, and the actual time. Furthermore, pressing multi-function talk button will activate your handset’s built-in voice recognition service.

Pairing the Samsung Modus HM6450 with Samsung Transform - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Pairing the Samsung Modus HM6450 with Samsung Transform - Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Pairing the Samsung Modus HM6450 with Samsung Transform

Impressively, volume output with its earpiece is pretty strong and near to the point deafening. However, connecting its included stereo headphones unlocks the headset’s true potential in emitting the best tones for music playback. Not only is it rich and robust with its tones, but pressing the voice command button while playing music, it activates the Sound Alive enhancement which basically cycles through 5 preset equalizer settings. All in all, it tastefully adapts well to the specific genre of music with its thunderous output.

When it comes down to calling quality, we’re more than satisfied with its performance since it exhibits strong and audible tones on both ends of the line in quiet environments. Take it elsewhere outdoors where there is an abundance of noise, it does a respectable job of cancelling out background noise to still give focus on our voice. And even though it’s capable of hushing gusts of wind coming through the windows of our car, voices have a somewhat muffled tone to them – but it’s still acceptable and comprehendible.

Samsung Modus HM6450 Review
Samsung Modus HM6450 Review

After fully charging the Samsung Modus HM6450, we managed to get 5.5 hours of continuous talk time – which is slightly below its rated 6 hours of talk time, but it still falls in line as being average. Regardless of that, we’re confident that 5.5 hours of talk should suffice for most people.


Absolutely, the most appreciable part about the Samsung Modus HM6450 is its relatively affordable price, which can range from $60 to $100 depending on where you go, and its resounding usefulness that encompasses a wide array of users. Naturally, business oriented users will love getting their messages read to them on the fly, but they’ll truly adore its good calling quality. On the other end of the spectrum, its powerful volume output combined with its stereo headphones, enables it to quickly transform to accommodate the needs of any music lover out there. When you have a solid headset like this, it’s very hard to not take notice!

Samsung Modus HM6450 Video Review:


  • Convertible headset implementation
  • Great noise cancellation performance
  • Useful Samsung Bluetooth FreeSync app
  • Affordable, yet with tons of features


  • Muffled voices during windy conditions

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